Hi, my name is khan irfan

I build things for the web.

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Some things i have built

Covid-19 tracker

Covid-19 aka (corona virus) tracker! it keeps track of the number of people hit by the virus worldwide, i have used chatr.js for visualization with bar and line charts that show the number of deaths, infected and recovered of people country wise and globally

React.js chatrs.js axios Metai api


My personal portfolio that showcases the projects a have done! visit the links below for source code & live demo

htlm5 css3


Wilderness is a landing page for a fictional photo community and marketplace for discovering and sharing inspiring photography.


Covid-19 tracker

Greats a simple sneaker product landing page created for a fictional company. which showcases some of the company's sneaker products.

Html5 Sass JavaScript

About Me

Hello! I'm Irfan, an aspiring web developer based in Noida, India.

I enjoy creating things that live on the internet, whether that be websites, applications, or anything in between. My goal is to always build products that provide pixel-perfect, performant experiences.

Here are a fewtechnologies I've been working with recently: JavaScript (ES6+) HTML (S)CSS React Node.js Express.js MongoDB & Mongoose


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